Republic of Kenya
The Selection Panel for the Nomination of Chairperson and Members of the National Police Service Commission
Declaration of Vacancies
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 246 (2) (a) of the Constitution and Section 5 of the National Police Service Commission Act, 2011 (No. 30 of 2011), the Selection Panel invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the positions of a Chairperson and five (5) Members of the National Police Service Commission as shown below.
A. VAC. No. 001/2011
Chairperson, National Police Service Commission
Article 246 (2) of the Constitution and Section 5 (1) of the National Police Service Commission Act, 2011
No. of Vacancies: 1
For appointment as Chairperson, National Police Service Commission, a person should:
i. be qualified to be appointed as a High Court Judge in Kenya pursuant to the provisions of Article 166 (5) of the Constitution;
ii. possess a degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
iii. be a citizen of Kenya;
iv. meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution;
v. be a person of integrity who has served the public with distinction
vi. Not be and has not previously been a member of the National Police Service.
B. VAC. N0. 002/2011
Member, National Police Service Commission (Retired Senior Police Officers)
Article 246 (2) (a) (ii) of the Constitution and Section 5 (2 and 3) of the National Police Service Commission Act, 2011
No. of Vacancies: 2
For appointment as a member, National Police Service Commission under this category a person must:
i. be a citizen of Kenya;
ii. hold a degree from a university recognized in Kenya
iii. be a retired police officer either in the Kenya Police Service or Administrative Police Service.
iv. have held the rank of Senior Superintendent of Police or above; and
v. meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution;
C. VAC. N0. 003/2011
Member, National Police Service Commission
Article 246 (2) (a) (iii) of the Constitution and Section 5(4) of the National Police Service Commission Act, 2011
No. of Vacancies: 3
For appointment as a member, National Police Service Commission under this category a person must:
i. be a citizen of Kenya;
ii. hold a degree from a university recognized in Kenya.
iii. have had at least ten years’ experience in any of the following disciplines:-
a) finance and administration;
b) economics;
c) human resources development and management;
d) public administration;
e) labour laws;
f) economics;
g) law;
h) human rights;
i) ethics and governance;
j) mediation and consensus building; and
k) change management.
iv. meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and
v. have had a distinguished career in his/her respective field.
Disqualification Criteria
A person shall not be qualified for nomination as a Chairperson or Member of the National Police Service Commission if the person—
i. is or has been, at any time within the previous five years, a member of Parliament or a county assembly;
ii. is a serving State officer;
iii. is a member of a governing body of a political party;
iv. is an un- discharged bankrupt;
v. has been convicted of a felony; or
vi. has been removed from office for contravening the provisions of the Constitution or any other law.
Interested applicants are requested to note that:
i. The names of all applicants and those shortlisted for each post shall be published in the print media after the closure of the advert.
ii. The salary and benefits for these positions shall be determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
iii. The chairperson and members of the Commission will be appointed for a single term of six (6) years and are not eligible for re-appointment.
Mode of Application
i Candidates may apply manually or electronically (online).
ii. All applications should be submitted together with detailed curriculum vitae, a copy of ID/Passport, copies of academic certificates, testimonials and any other relevant supporting documents.
iii. Manual applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “Application for Chairperson, National Police Service Commission, Vac. No. 001/2011”
“Application for Member, National Police Service Commission- (Retired Senior Police Officers) Vac. No. 002/2011”
“Application for Member, National Police Service Commission, Vac. No. 003/2011”
and addressed to:
The Chairperson
National Police Service Commission Selection Panel
Public Service Commission of Kenya
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100 Nairobi
iv. Online applications may be submitted via e-mail to:
i. Shortlisted candidates may be required to submit additional information.
ii. The National Police Service Commission Selection Panel shall conduct public interviews of the shortlisted candidates.
iii. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
Duly filled applications should be received on or before 15th November, 2011 (latest by 5.00 p.m.)
Hassan Omar Hassan
National Police Service Commission Selection Panel
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
National Police Service Commission Chairperson and 5 Members Job Vacancies in Kenya
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