Alliance Girls High School seeks to recruit competent persons for the following positions:-
1. Plumber
Qualification and Experience
1. Plumber
Qualification and Experience
- Certificate in plumbing from a reputable institution.
- Must have three years experience.
- Aged between 35 – 45 years.
- K.C.S.E with at least a mean grade of C (plain).
2. Driver
Qualification and Experience
Qualification and Experience
- Grade B,C,E
- Experience 10 years
- Aged 35 years and above
- K.C.S.E with at least a mean grade D+ (plus)
3. Store Keeper
Qualification and Experience
Qualification and Experience
- Certificate in supplies and management
- Must be computer literate
- Age between 30-35 years
- Must have three years experience
- K.C.S.E with at least a mean grade of C (plain).
Application along with copies of academic and professional certificates, an up-to-date CV and contacts of three referees should reach the school on or before 31st October 2011.
Letters should be addressed to:
The Chairperson,
Personnel Committee,
Alliance Girls High School,
P.O. Box 109 – 00902,
Letters should be addressed to:
The Chairperson,
Personnel Committee,
Alliance Girls High School,
P.O. Box 109 – 00902,