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Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Strengthening Parliament by Supporting Parliamentary Oversight Committees Call for Consultants

The Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG) is currently implementing a project titled Strengthening Parliament by Supporting Parliamentary Oversight Committees, whose main objective is to increase the efficacy of parliamentary watchdog committees to effectively undertake their oversight/watchdog roles in the new constitutional dispensation and the capacity of parliamentary support staff and civil society to support them.

Who we are

AfriCOG is an independent, non-profit organisation that provides cutting edge research and monitoring on governance and public ethics issues in both the public and private sectors so as to address the structural causes of the crisis of governance in the country.

Our reports, policy briefs and overall work add value to anti-corruption and governance reform processes in Kenya by stimulating policy discussion and supporting evidence-based advocacy and mobilisation work of our partners.


The adoption of Kenya’s new Constitution marked a significant milestone in Kenya’s reform process. The new constitution not only increases Parliament’s capacity and independence, but it also strengthens parliamentary oversight over the Executive.

In spite of these achievements, the impact of new constitutional dispensation and provisions on the role and structure of Parliament, particularly vis-à-vis the Executive, is yet to be adequately understood both within and outside of Parliament.

It is necessary that the implications of these changes for the operations of Parliament and in particular the targeted watchdog committees be clearly understood so that appropriate support activities can effectively be carried out. 

The assignment

AfriCOG invites applications from suitably qualified persons for a 
consultancy opportunity to conduct an initial scoping study.

The project responds to the need to analyse the impact of the new constitution, specifically on the work of oversight committees both internally as regards operations, procedure and relationship with parliamentary standing orders, and externally with regard to relations to the Executive, public scrutiny and public participation.

The analysis will enable the designing of appropriate support mechanisms and programme interventions to Parliamentary Oversight Committees, especially, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the Public Investments Committee (PIC).

AfriCOG’s proposed intervention is critical because there is little, if any, structured inquiry or real appreciation of the implications of the changes proposed in the new constitution and for the operations and role of parliament and its committees.

Scope of work

The consultant will:

  • Produce a situational analysis on the state and operations of parliament and the key oversight committees and identify the necessary changes in their capacity and operations as stated in the new constitution;
  • Propose key target committee(s) for the interventions
  • Propose ways of ensuring public participation
The scoping study will:
  • Identify and outline opportunities for increasing the efficacy of parliamentary oversight committees in the context of Kenya’s new constitution
  • Analyze the obligations of, and key limitations to the efficacy of parliamentary oversight committees under Kenya’s new constitution
  • Undertake a comprehensive review of the working of oversight committees, their roles and effectiveness in the context of the new Constitution
  • Identify gaps that may affect the efficient functioning of the oversight committees
  • Broadly outline the implications of the newly reconstituted oversight committees for parliamentary Standing Orders
  • Assess current approaches to supporting the work of parliamentary oversight committees
  • Identify opportunities for the Civil Society to engage with parliamentary oversight committees in the context of the new Constitution
  • Identify gaps in the capacity of parliamentary staff providing support to the committee(s).
  • Respond to any other related questions.
Time frame:

The study will be undertaken over a 30 day period commencing October 2011.

A detailed time frame will be developed at the start of the assignment.


The assignment will be implemented through various methodologies including:
  1. Desk review of literature, existing reports on capacity building interventions with Parliament
  2. Interviews with key stakeholders
  3. Workshops and meetings with key stakeholders
  • An inception study describing the proposed approach methodology, presenting a detailed plan of action and organisation of the consultancy of 5 pages maximum
  • Summary notes of all meetings with AfriCOG
  • A Report of the scoping study detailing all findings, recommendations and proposed interventions for strengthening the work of Parliamentary Oversight Committees in line with the scope of work as outlined under these ToRs
  • A presentation of the main findings and recommendations of the study to AfriCOG at a date to be agreed upon between Consultant and AfriCOG
  • A presentation of the final report findings from one meeting with key stakeholders
The consultant shall present the reviewed report after incorporating AfriCOG’s comments within 10 days following the last day of the consultancy.

AfriCOG will determine the quality of the report/finished product according to AfriCOG’s standards. make the final determination as to the quality of the submitted product.

Format of reports:

i) The inception report should not exceed 5 pages. The notes to be submitted after each meeting with AfriCOG should be in “bullet point” format and not exceed 2 pages

ii) The final report will contain;
  • An Executive Summary
  • A table of contents
  • A list of Acronyms
  • The Core report and relevant annexes – 30pages max
  • A list of recommendations
  • A list of sources and people interviewed
All reports and accompanying notes will be presented in clear and accessible language. All reports must be submitted in both hard copy and electronic formats, either by email or CD

Key competencies:
  • A Degree in the social sciences preferably political science, law, public administration, public policy or related areas
  • Applicants should demonstrable experience in research
  • Thorough knowledge of the Constitution of Kenya, especially with regards to accountability and functioning of the new parliament
  • Excellent knowledge of parliamentary procedures, structures, standing orders etc.
  • Excellent communication skills, both oral and written
How to apply:

Interested and qualified candidates should submit the following to
  • Curriculum Vitae: detailing previous relevant research experience on similar or related work, previous publications
  • One page cover letter outlining suitability for the position
  • Three professional referees
Deadline: November 8, 2011